This eBook will help you kickstart your freelance writing career by guiding you to:

  • Pick your freelancing skill (quickly and easily)
  • Build your portfolio (even before you've landed clients)
  • Solidify your freelancing account (without agonizing over it for weeks)
  • Create your client list (for heart-centered projects)

+ Receive a special bonus at the end!!

This ebook is originally $33, but as I transition into a sliding scale payment model, you can now purchase this ebook at a price that best suits you. <3

If you can afford to comfortably invest $33+, please choose what amount feels right for you--this pays it forward.

If this is an uncomfortable investment, but won't have you cutting corners on necessities, feel empowered to pay under $33.

If you feel like the original investment will have you cutting corners on slightly-more-than-necessities, like date night, or is going on a credit card you don't have a payoff plan for, please feel comfortable to invest $5.55.

This ebook is life changing, if you choose for it to be, and I want it to be accessible to everyone--EASILY. This model is based on trust, and I trust you. <3

Happy Freelancing!

*Due to the opportunities digital eBooks provide, there will be no refunds under any circumstances.